Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December 2006


We wish you the Happiest Holiday Season


"California Rock Art"


Chuck Kritzon

January 27, 2007

3:00-5:00 pm at Maidu Interpretive Center

The Maidu Interpretive Center staff member and material culture specialist Chuck Kritzon will speak on California rock art and native California tool technology on January 27th at 3:00 PM at the Maidu Interpretive Center, at 1960 Johnson Ranch Drive in Roseville, CA. Chuck Kritzon will present an overview of California rock art and more specifically discuss Rock Art of the Central Sierra and the Maidu Interpretive Center. In addition he will demonstrate the processing, storage and use of mineral pigments in prehistoric California and the world.

After the presentation Chuck will lead a tour of the petroglyphs at the Center. The nature area of the Maidu Interpretive Center and Historic Site, graced by oak trees and bordered on the south by a branch of Linda Creek/Strap Ravine, offers a loop trail that takes you past ancient petroglyphs (rock art) and hundreds of bedrock mortars (acorn grinding holes), evidence of Nisenan (southern Maidu) occupation of the site for thousands of years.

Chuck is a primitive skills technologist with over 14+ years experience with the California Indian community.  He is a longtime member of the Society of Primitive Technology and owns a business in Roseville called "Petroglyphics". His biography can be found on

Mark your calendar for January 27, 2007. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear a first class lecture on rock art and see the "When Rocks Collide" exhibit at the Maidu Interpretive Center! For more information contact:

Maidu Interpretive Center

(916) 774-5934





 Sacramento Archeological Society Annual Meeting

Thank you, Al Schwitalla

At the Sacramental Archeological Society Annual Meeting Al. W. Schwitalla shared his hot-off-the-press research with us in a presentation on "Global Warming in Central California and its impact on Prehistoric Populations: An Archaeological Perspective". Through an analysis of human skeletal remains Al tabulated health, diet and behavioral categories for periods in the past 5000 years for the California Central Valley and coast. His objective was to determine whether the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (MCA) affected the populations of these California regions. The data suggests some but not all factors may be statistically relevant. Stay tuned for Al’s published conclusions.


2007 Board of Directors

During the Annual Meeting the following slate of 2007 Board of Directors were elected.





Jan Johansen


Tom Johansen, MD

Member at Large

Anna Valdez


Ruth McElhinney

Member at Large

April Farnham


Lydia Peake

Member at Large

Susan Ferguson


Roger Peake

Member at Large

Dennis T. Fenwick

Past President

Diane Rosales

Member at Large

Philomene Smith

Member at Large



Sacramento Archeological Society Book Club

Are you interested in reading current books about archeology and anthropology and discussing the ideas with society members? We are continuing a book club that will meet twice a year, May and November. The next book to be selected is Before California by Brian Fagan.


Renewal of Annual Memberships

If you haven’t sent in your support for the society, please review your membership now. The annual SAS membership dues are due and payable by January 1, 2007. The dues pay for liability insurance, administrative costs such as publishing this newsletter, and contribute to society’s scholarship fund. Please support this organization as generously as you are able.

Please remit the payment with the attached form. Please make out your check to "Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc." and mail it to

Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.

P.O. Box 163287

Sacramento, CA 95816-9287

Thank you in advance for your prompt payment. We really appreciate your support.

Sacramento Archaeological Society, Inc.

Officers and Directors

President Jan Johansen 530/756-6970

Vice President Anna Valdez 916/628-4226

Treasurer Susan W. Ferguson 916/966-4861

Secretary April Farnham 916/371-6806

Past President Dennis T. Fenwick 916/373-1465

Member/Large Ruth McElhinney 916/923-3848 no email

Member/Large Thomas Johansen, MD 530/756-6970

Member/Large Lydia Peake 916/371-6391

Member at Large Roger Peake 916/371-6391

Member at Large Diane Rosales 916/371-4596

Member/Large Philomene Smith 916/444-3605


















Mark Your Calendars

January 11, 2007, Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Board Meeting, location TBD: Roger and Lydia Peak’s or Jan and Tom Johansen’s home, call 530-756-6970 to confirm

January 27, 2007, Saturday, 3:00 p.m. Chuck Kritzon, "California Rock Art" at the Maidu Interpretive Center, Roseville









A Non-Profit Corporation

P.O. Box 163287

Sacramento, CA 95816-9287