Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                              December 2007 January 2008      


Happy Holidays


"Trading Spaces:
The Economic Landscape of Precontact Central


Charlotte Sunseri

2007 Scholarship winner


Saturday, January 19, 2008 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm


Yolo County Library, Davis Branch Davis, 315 E 13th St. CA 95616


The 2007 scholarship winner, Charlotte Sunseri will present her research on social, political and economic reorganization in Monterey Bay to Santa Clara Valley in the Middle Period (600 B.C. - AD 1000) through Middle Late Transition (AD 1000  - 1250) on January 19th.  Funds from Sacramento Archeological Society assisted her in the dating of artifacts from one of the 52 sites in the area, SA-SCR-44.  Three sites in the area have been interpreted as main residential bases spanning both periods and two have been interpreted as short-term village sites.  Charlotte's research proposes the economic system in which these sites participated.  The project is part of a broader dissertation, in which spatial and agent-based modeling is being used to explore when and under what circumstances hunter-gathers shifted from one exchange pattern to another at these sites.  . Don't miss this very interesting presentation.


The event will be held at the Yolo County Library, Davis Branch in Davis, CA at 315 E. 13th Street from 7:00 to 9:00 PM on Saturday, January 19th.  Light refreshments will be service.  The public is welcome.  Invite your friends.







“Art of Decipherment/Women and Glyphs”


Lydia Peake

Maya enthusiast


Thursday, February 21, 2008 from 7:30 – 9:00 pm


2957 Redwood Avenue

West Sacramento, CA 95691


If you were intrigued Dr. Karl Taube’s presentation on the murals of Bartolo, don’t miss this presentation on the Maya by Society member, Lydia Peake.  Lydia has been a constant attendee at the annual Maya Meetings. Through this extensive exposure to the Maya research she has gathered information of decipherment of the Mayan writing and has developed a perspective on Mayan women as portrayed in the glyphs. Don’t miss this very interesting presentation.   

The presentation will be held at the Peake home at 2957 Redwood Avenue, West Sacramento from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. 


The 32nd Maya Meetings

February 25 - March 2, 2008

Copan Archaeology and History: New Finds and New Research


The focus of these annual Maya Meetings in 2008 will be the spectacular Maya ruins at Copan, Honduras, perhaps the most thoroughly studied and excavated of all Maya sites. Key discoveries and advances continue to be made in recent years, even after a century of intensive research by numerous international scholars and institutions. One highlight of the 2008 Maya Meetings will be a detailed presentation of the very latest progress in reconstructing and deciphering the great Hieroglyphic Stairway and its associated sculptures. The Keynote Speaker will be distinguished Mayanist, Michael Coe, Prof. Emeritus, Yale University. Prof. Coe is a pioneering archaeologist and author of Breaking the Maya Code. The keynote is on Friday evening, 29 February 2008, in the Art Auditorium.  .  For more information see  Society members will be attending these meetings.



Renewal of Annual Memberships


Since January 1 is the beginning of the Society's new year all memberships are renewed at this time, please support the society by paying your 2008 dues.


The annual dues are:

            Student/Limited Member          $15

            Individual Membership  $25

            Family Membership                  $35

Sponsor                                   $100 - 499 (individual)

                                                            $500 - 999 (business)

            Patron                                      $1000


Membership Benefits

Individual and Student Limited:  One-year subscription to SAS Newsletter

Members-only meetings

Members-only fieldwork

Field trips

Special Lectures

Classes and events sponsored by SAS

Family:  All of the above for each Family Member

One SAS Newsletter per Family Membership

Sponsor:  All of the above plus prominent mention in the SAS Newsletter and event programs for one year

Patron:  All of the above plus autographed book from keynote speaker, as applicable


To minimize administrative costs additional invoices will not be sent to each member.  Please remit the payment with this page.  


Please make out your check to “Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.” and mail it to:


Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.

P.O. Box 163287


Sacramento, CA 95816-9287


Thank you in advance for your prompt payment.  We really appreciate your support.


2008 Board of Directors

During the Annual Meeting the 2008 Board of Directors were elected.   






April Farnham


Ulanda Chavez

Member at Large

Diane Rosales


Dennis Fenwick

Member at Large

Lydia Peake


Tom Johansen, MD

Member at Large

Roger Peake


Susan W. Ferguson

Member at Large

Jan Johansen

Past President

Ruth McElhinney

Member at Large


Welcome new members


Welcome new member, Diane Kelly-Abrams.  In addition to a degree Anthropology she was married to the founder of the Society.  Please welcome Diane.  She is a great addition to the Society.



Past Events


Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.’s

 Annual Meeting




“The Taino Underworld:  Caribbean Explorations into the Rock Art and Supernatural Beliefs of a Vanished Culture”


John Foster

Senior State Archaeologist


John Foster was the honored guest and speaker at the Sacramento Archeological Society Annual Meeting on Saturday, December 2, 2006.  After a banquet luncheon and annual meeting he presented his latest findings from the underworld of the Dominican Republic.  In this talk he outlined the history of Dominican Republic by discussing the four periods of migration.  Then he presented findings from several sinkholes and caves on the island. The "La Aleta" sinkhole where objects have been preserved in water without oxygen has been the site of major artifacts through 384 dives.  Another sinkhole, Two Sisters, was recently discovered and will be the site of further explorations.  Jose Maria Cave, Maravillas Cave, Anamuyeta Cave, and Panchito Cave were the settings for rock art that gives us a glimpse into the Naino world. It was a great presentation.


Sacramento Archaeological Society, Inc.


Officers and Directors


President                      April Farnham                     916/371-6806  

Vice President              Diane Rosales                       916/371-4596  

Treasurer                     Roger Peake                         916/371-6391  

Secretary                      Lydia Peake                         916/371-6391  

Past President              Jan Johansen                        530/756-6970  

Member/Large              Yolanda Chavez                   916/612-4714  

Member/Large              Dennis T. Fenwick               916/373-1465  

Member/Large              Susan W. Ferguson               916/966-4861  

Member/Large              Thomas Johansen, MD        530/756-6970   

Member/Large              Ruth McElhinney                 916/923-3848            no email












Mark Your Calendars



January 17, 2008 Board Meeting, at 7:00 p.m. at April Farnham’s home

January 19, 2008 “Trading Spaces: The Economic Landscape of Precontact Central Californiaby 2007 scholarship winner, Charlotte Sunseri

February 21, 2008 “Art of Decipherment/Women and Glyphs”, Lydia Peake

February 25, 2008 to March 2, 2008 The 32nd Maya Meetings, Austin TX













        A Non-Profit Corporation

                P.O. Box 163287

      Sacramento, CA 95816-9287